Administrative services

Streamline Administrative Services with GAAP Center

GAAP Center's administrative service can help you quickly and efficiently overcome administrative obstacles in the path of your business.

What services do we offer:

Preparation of requests, applications, forms: This includes handling all tasks related to document preparation that may be required by legal authorities, companies, or other organizations. This may involve conducting necessary research, filling out forms, collecting and assembling required documents, and more.

Retrieval of bank statements: Involves retrieving bank statements and preparing them for clients. This may include obtaining account balance information, calculating and preparing statements, and more.

Submission of documentation to government institutions and clients: Involves delivering documentation or materials intended for institutions or clients, as well as collecting confirmation or necessary documents from them.

Completion and submission of payment orders: Involves filling out payment orders in accordance with client requirements and submitting them to a bank or another legal entity.

Preparation and submission of foreign currency payment orders: Involves preparing foreign currency payment orders and submitting them to a bank, in line with client requests.

Cash withdrawals and deposits: Involves withdrawing cash from a bank or another financial institution, as well as depositing it to clients or other organizations.

Electronic banking: Encompasses various electronic transactions related to banking operations, such as money transfers, statement retrieval, bill payments, and more.

Engagement of courier services: Includes engaging courier services for material or document delivery, as well as obtaining delivery confirmation and more.

Contact Us

If you are looking for reliable and efficient assistance in regulating administrative processes in Montenegro, please contact us.

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