Legal services
Legal Services include:
Company Registration and Establishment
GAAP Center offers professional company registration and establishment services. In accordance with the law, we will assist you in registering or establishing a legal entity (limited liability company, joint-stock company, or sole proprietorship) in Montenegro. Opening a company in Montenegro is possible with the personal presence of the founders or based on a notarized power of attorney with an apostille.
Changes within a Legal Entity
If you require legal support for making changes within a legal entity, our team will assist you in completing all necessary procedures: changing the name of the legal entity, its registered office, founders, directors/representatives, changing the business activities of the legal entity, altering the responsibilities of representatives, or any other changes.
Liquidation of a Legal Entity
Just as we are here during the registration of your company, we can also assist you if you wish to liquidate your company and have it removed from the Central Register of Business Entities.
Opening a Corporate Bank Account
Our team will guide you through all the necessary procedures for opening a corporate bank account and help you choose the right bank that suits your business needs.
Seal Creation
GAAP Center is at your disposal to assist you in obtaining and creating seals, solving the necessary procedures.
Documentation Preparation for Diploma Recognition
We are here for you if you plan to go through all the necessary procedures for preparing documentation for diploma recognition.
Legal Consultation
If you need advice from professionals in the fields of law and accounting based on your specific needs, our employees will generously share their knowledge with you.
Obtaining Licenses
Our team will guide you through the procedures required to obtain various licenses from the relevant authorities.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the legal services that our company can provide, please feel free to contact us.